How to go to the Mount Washington Tube Park with 4 year old twins.

Congratulations, your going to take the twins tubing.

First, go to the mountains website and create a profile and reserve a tubing time (takes about ten minutes but saves you a headache once you arrive). You only need to pay for yourself, as the kids are free being under a certain height.

What to pack:

  • Sunscreen
  • Snacks
  • Toque
  • Neck warmer if the snow suit opens at the neck because you get going FAST
  • Gloves, I find the longer ones that go into their jacket the best with a little thumb part.
  • Snow suit are good except for bathroom breaks so two piece is best for us
  • Snow boots
  • Bring a water bottle and some snacks depending where you need to park
  • A way of payment (VISA card)

Whats the rules?

  • Print or bring your online RECEIPT with you in order to redeem your tubing tickets.
  • 1-hr Tube Park Pass $18 (includes tube rental). prices subject to change.
  • All riders must have a tickets regardless of age or height.
  • Riders must be a minimum height of 42″ or 107 cm tall to tube.
  • Riders under 42″ tall can ride free with an adult in their tube.
  • All riders must be at least 2 years of age.
  • Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult while in the Tube Park.
  • Children under 12 can ride by themselves as long as they are tall enough.
  • One person over 42″ or 107cm per tube only. Adults may hang onto their child’s tube in the lane. (conditions permitting)
  • Ski Boots or hard shell are not permitted in the Tube Park for safety reasons.
  • No sleds, toboggans or other self-owned tubes are permitted in the Tube Park.
  • Rental goggles, snowboard boots, jackets, pants are available in the rental shop.
  • Allergy alert: we use straw at times to reduce tube speeds.
  • Max groups of 4 tubes in a square and the group sizes may be limited if the operator deems it necessary.
  • Lanes maybe closed if the operator deems it necessary, (usually because of weather and speed).
  • Do not pull tubes while occupied. Always walk or carry tubes to lift.

Basic Information

  • Sliders should be prepared for varying weather conditions and temperatures
  • Winter boots with good tread and appropriate clothing are recommended.
  • There are staff stationed at the base of the lift, top of the lift, start of the lanes as well as in the run out lanes to provide assistance and instruction.
  • Observe and obey all signs and instructions from tube park and lift operations staff

 So what happens exactly?

On the way there, the twins wear warm thin pants and a nice warm long sleeve shirt and socks. So once you are parked you stand them up on the front seat and get them dressed. *** Get yourself dressed first.

Once you get to the visitor station and get your passes, put your electronic pass in your left pocket for the automatic readers will read the pass BUT can demagnetize your visa. So keep VISA in your right pocket.

Then off to the tube park. We slide on our bums if the hills are too steep while walking.

You walk into the tubing area and they will direct you over. You sit on the tube first then your kid on top or in front of you.

They ask if you want a spin. I always say no, because it makes me sick.

Hold on to the child, my son has a tenancy of planking mid ride… LOL. No idea why.

You land in hay, so hopefully no allergies.


Then you carry your tube with child beside you (not allowed for them to sit in the tube) up the hill to the crazy carpet slider.

Put your child on the carpet first, you get on and you’re pulling your tube. Hold onto the child because it’s like a flat escalator.  Sometimes they teeter front and back or side to side. Sitting is not allowed on the carpet.

Once at the top, I picked mine up and put them on the side first, then I got off with the tube.


We went down about 5-6 times.

It’s a great time and really affordable.

Lumberjack themed Camping trip with three year old twins

Its that time of year again to dust the camping gear off and make a campsite reservation. I love camping but I love themed camping trips more.
This time was a lumberjack, so here are a few pointers to help you plan a successful lumberjack, sorta red neck, themed camping trip.

Plaid, cut off anything, any shirt with a ridiculous message on it (animals, booze, sayings etc)

Meat balls, mashed potatoes and gravy
Ribs with corn
Scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage
Wieners cooked in BBQ sauce and macaroni salad.

The family gobbbbbled up those meals.

plaid table cloth, party lights, red solo cup anything.

rock, country, blue grass, almost anything but pop.

I created a kid friendly plastic AX THROWING game. Sure, I lost some friends on Facebook when I posted my red neck video but good ridden.
You can find plastic shields and ax accessories in the dress up part of any local dollar store.
Take neon bands and tape paper to them. Creating little circles that are light weight.
Take a paper clip to the top and tie string at different lengths.
Each circle represents a different number, I made 5 circles with numbers, 5, 10 and 15.
Play to 30.  Have back up paper circles, tape and felt to replace the ones that get torn down during the toss. This is what I created at home to practice before going out in the bush.20180805_133542.jpg
Take a rope and tie to tent poles, trees, antennas whatever you can. Make sure there’s no bushes or people on one side of the rope because you will hit them with your ax.
Make a line in the dirt where to throw from or use rocks to mark the throwing line.

Have teams. We did family teams so kids as young as 2 were throwing and old as 70.
On a separate sheet have a pen and get each family to name their own team. We had Lucky Lager Bears, Salty Sea Dawgs, Ax a Million, Lumberjax, Triple Threats, Dog Days.
Super fun and easy and no clean up.

Second game was a KEG ROLL.
Kegs are hard to come by but we were lucky enough to have one. Take a chair about ten feet from the starting line. One team member runs while rolling the unstable keg and does a FULL circle around the chair coming back across the line, where the second member does a full circle around the chair too.

Have someone use their phone as a stop watch. Write the times down. Fastest time wins.

Keep in mind everyone’s safety is important, Kegs are heavy so watch the toes and back:)

The twins went to bed at 8pm and slept till 8am.

This lil momma dream weekend of fun, fatty foods, and games with friends and family.

What to bring to an outdoor music festival with twin toddlers:

A week before the family friendly music festival, you have purchased the veggie tray, humus, snap peas and little crackers. You have juice boxes, chips, glow in the dark bracelets and bubbles for the three year old twins.

If your like me, you’ve invited the family and friends on both sides and everyone has confirmed they are coming to the festivities. Our town was having a great big Canada Day celebration with bands, face painting, bouncing castle, petting zoo, tents, beer gardens for the family and a ton of food trucks. The location was on a grassy knoll near a lake. This recipe should make for the most perfect day when you have littles. I wasn’t in charge of cooking, music or cleaning my house- like a normal party. This was my party cheat day.

Okay, let me get down to business.

Don’t forget to pack the following items:

  • Roll of tissue, sometimes outhouses dont have any and I guarantee someone will need to poop
  • Blanket, there’s a chance they may actually want to sit down with you
  • Hats, sun screen, change of pants, shirt, dress, favorite toy (my son can’t leave the house without his fire truck and my daughter without her pink puppy)
  • Your food (examples I pack are mentioned above in detail), drinks, straws, napkins, wet naps
  • Phone, camera, and novelty clothing like a flower lei, mardis gras beads anything new and fun for the twins.

From reading the above a few times, I am confident that’s all you need. Anything extra is a bonus. I’ve seen people bring iPad and little game things, but for me, less is more and I am blessed because my littles like to dance to any music and love to eat.

I usually wear something colourful so it hides the stains from their filthy little paws. Good shoes in case I need to run fast or flip flops, I can kick them off when chasing them down. Which reminds me a good bra because you will be dancing and probably running.

The festival was fun, everyone ate the snack food and we all danced together. Sometimes I need to carry both of them in my arms while dancing but that’s just the way it is when you have two. My favorite part was when grandpa bought them bubblegum ice cream and my son fell and he was so upset so when I picked him up and he put his arms around my neck he rubbed ice cream into my skin, hair and all over my dress. He was so upset and I didn’t care about me or outfit. At the end of the day, that little mans heart was broken and he needed a momma hug. I know I wont get them forever like that, I just suck it up whenever I can. I took a wet nap and cleaned myself up and luckily my colourful dress hid all the other evidence.

Go and have fun, dance, get dirty, over eat, sing loud and try and take a picture.

Why make nice with your neighbour when you have twins? Here’s why:

Why it is important to be friendly with your neighbours when you have twins.

Yes, neighbours can be tough, invasive, nosey, needy, loud, tattle tales, lonely people who have nothing better to do than rate your parenting. However, in saying all this, they come from a good place. Well let us hope. So here is a list of why you need to keep smiling and laughing at their jokes and taking their beer stain hand me downs.

  1. Your twins are loud, you are loud and your dog is loud.
  2. They have a garden and they will likely give you some yummy fresh veggies, baked good and canned items.
  3. You will have a party and you do not want them to ruin it by calling you/police or knocking on your door.
  4. Your kids will throw a toy/ball over the fence at some point and you will need it back.
  5. You may need half their money when you build the gigantic fence to separate you from them.
  6. You may need them to watch your house when you go on vacation.
  7. You may need to borrow something from them.
  8. You may need to park in front of their house.
  9. A bear or raccoon may eat your garbage creating a huge mess and they will clean it up knowing you have twins? This one is iffy but a possibility.
  10. Your tree may fall on their yard or your plumbing may break flooding their back yard…all crazy things that could happen and you want them not to sue you.
  11. You may share a grape vine.
  12. They may have a cabin at the lake and you want to rent it out.
  13. They could be a president of a company or their daughter and you want in.
  14. You may be going into the RCMP and need a good rapport before they interview your neighbours.
  15. You may fall down stairs and need them to call 911 for you while taking care of the twins and not letting the dog out.
  16. You may need them to water your garden while you are gone.
  17. They may teach dance, music, cooking and you need free lessons.
  18. They have magical powers.
  19. They are crazy. However, the fact you believe they have magical powers you may now be crazy.
  20. Because it is the right thing to do and that is how your momma raised you.

How to go camping with one-year-old TWINS

Congratulations, you made it to the one year and above mark. Moreover, you are ready to go camping (again?) there’s a few products on the market that are lifesavers. I am on a twin budget so I do not take spending money lightly but when it comes to a few hours of great mommy time where I feel like a human again- I am more likely to spend.

Here is a list of must haves for our family.

  • Kids Milk:  Homo milk, bottles with the inserts, a box of inserts, drying rack, and little bowl to wash the nipples in separately. A cooler bag with ice packs for transporting the milk separate and keep this bag in the truck so it is easy to reach in case you have a long trip and need a bottle but cannot stop.
  • Food utensils, bowls, bowls with lids that their hands can grab their cheerios from, fork, spoon, bibs, cups to drink from.pea pod
  • Fold-able high chairs and lawn chair to attach them too.
  • Pea pods for sleeping with a nice lightweight blanket and their favorite stuffed toy.  I bought the pea pod used and the brand name is Kids co, I like them because they fold up, are lightweight, take up no room at all and there’s no way for the minions to get out. LOL. Winning
  • Your monitor and screen and a ton of batteries.
  • Neon sticks to light up the room in case you camp with no power please its nicer on the eyes.
  • Toys that they do not play with at home, beach blanket, towels and toiletries, various shoes, bubbles, crayons or chalk, paper, sun screen, hats etc.
  • Onesies and a ton, socks, bathing suit with sun guard.
  • Medicine bag. Benadryl, Tylenol. Alternatively, whatever else you use for your babies.
  • Fun games to play
  • DVD player for in the truck and in the morning when they wake at 6:00 am and you are not ready to face the world. Charge it before you go and bring a few of their FAVORITES.
  • Diapers, wipes, back pack, propane, etc.
  • We use a dog gate to go around the fire pit because ours are so adventurous and curious they try to touch the fire all the time. Fun.

Now, what food do i pack?  I am sure every parent has their own food they like to bring, but, here is a few examples of what I bring:

Breakfast: egg whites cut up peppers, sausage, and zucchini (cooked) shredded cheese, yogurt, blue berries, and oatmeal, with a fruit platter

Snacks: fruit platter, yogurt, cheese strings, cheerios, veggies chips, hummus and pita, peanut butter and jam sandwiches, crackers, grapes, fig bars, fruit smoothie bags.

Lunch: hot dog (boiled I do not like charcoaled food for the babes), cucumbers, noodles and sauce, sandwiches (cheese and ham melts, P and B, cucumber and cheese, cheese).

Dinner: lunch items and pasta, corn, rice, chicken, fish, pasta salad, potato salad, pizza that I brought already cooked.

The above list is something that I use as a guide for packing up the kids there is a bunch more stuff I bring for the trailer and me.  This could include the bikes and chariot, propane light and pit, tarps, axe, wood, rope, gazebo and freeze water bottles for ice and for drinking.  One time i forgot my bag of clothes. Everyone else had their clothes though, so that reminds me bring deodorant ahahha.

Whatever happens just remember there is always a store somewhere on the way or nearby. Some trips you will ask yourself why you took the time off to do this and you might want to check your brain but for the most part they really enjoy themselves and they will appreciate it more than you know.